Clinical Research

BacoMind®: 9 unique bioactives

Traditional uses

Bacopa monnieri has been relied upon in India by Ayurvedic medical practitioners for nearly 3,000 years. Ayurvedic practitioners have classified Bacopa as a ‘medhyarasayana, a treatment for improving memory and intellect (‘medhya’).

Additionally, the herb has been mentioned in several ancient Ayurvedic treatises including the Charaka Samhita (6th century AD) and, about 1,000 years later, the Bravprakash Var-Prakarana (16th century AD).

As Brahmi, Bacopa has been utilized in traditional Ayurveda as a nerve tonic to improve learning, memory, and concentration, as well as to relieve anxiety and support against

Traditional uses

Bacopa monnieri has been relied upon in India by Ayurvedic medical practitioners for nearly 3,000 years. Ayurvedic practitioners have classified Bacopa as a ‘medhyarasayana, a treatment for improving memory and intellect (‘medhya’).

Additionally, the herb has been mentioned in several ancient Ayurvedic treatises including the Charaka Samhita (6th century AD) and, about 1,000 years later, the Bravprakash Var-Prakarana (16th century AD).

As Brahmi, Bacopa has been utilized in traditional Ayurveda as a nerve tonic to improve learning, memory, and concentration, as well as to relieve anxiety and support against

Clinical study 1

Clinical study 2

Clinical study 1

A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study in elderly Australians for memory

Clinical study 2

A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study in elderly Indians for memory

A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled
Study in elderly Australians for memory


Healthy elderly


98 elderly
individuals (Age: ≥55 years)


300 mg per day


12 weeks


RAVLT Objective at 12 week (RAVLT : Rey Auditory verbal Learning Test)


BacoMind® improved memory acquisition and retention

A randomized double-blind
placebo-controlled study in elderly Indians for memory


Healthy elderly individuals


65 elderly
individuals (Age: 50-75 years)


450 mg


12 weeks


RAVLT Objective Visual


BacoMind® improved verbal

Clinical study 3

Clinical study 4

Clinical study 5

Clinical study 3

An open labeled clinical study in children requiring IEP

Clinical study 4

Open labeled study in children with ADHD

Clinical study 5

A randomized, open label, dose escalation safety study in healthy adults

An open labeled clinical study in
Children requiring IEP


Children requiring Individual Education Program (IEP)


24 children (Age: 4-18 years)


225 mg per day


4 months


 At 4 months


Children requiring IEP

Open labeled study in Children with ADHD


ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


27 children (Age: 6-12 years)


225 mg per day


6 months


At 6 months


BacoMind® significantly

A randomized, open label,
Dose escalation safety study in healthy adults


Healthy adults


23 elderly individuals (Age: 18-45 years)


300 mg per day for 15 days continued with 450 mg per day for next 15 days


30 days


Pre and post treatment


BacoMind® was found

Health Claims

The human clinical study on BacoMind® allows for the following health claims:

Helps to improve cognitive function
and memory during aging

Helps to improve acquisition and
retention in healthy older people

Helps to improve acquisition
and retention in healthy older people

Helps to improve functions such…

Helps to improve cognitive functions such
as focus and verbal memory in the elderly

Supports brain health

Supports brain health

The power of 9

Exploring the Hidden
Potential of Bacopa
for Brain Health

Download our whitepaper to get answers to all
your questions about enhancing gnitive health
and wellness

BacoMind® for Cognitive Health

Exploring the Hidden
Potential of Bacopa
for Brain Health

Download our whitepaper to get answers to all
your questions about enhancing gnitive health
and wellness

Bacomind®: Sustainably making a
difference at every step

Watch the BacoMind® Video to learn more

Why is BacoMind® the world's best Bacopa
for brain health?

Learn More

Dear Colleagues & Friends,

It is widely accepted that herbs and botanicals offer immense health benefits. Traditional systems and practices across the globe have played a key role in offering natural solutions for various health conditions. On the other hand, modern medicines - that are based on chemical drugs also have added significant value to healthcare. Herbs, unlike the chemical drugs, have a complex and largely unknown chemical composition that pose scientific challenges to conduct clinical studies, evaluate safety, decipher the mechanisms of actions and to define and control quality of commercial preparations. In addition, multiple other issues pertaining to herbs need scientific understanding and solutions. These include identification of plants, natural variations of chemical composition of medicinal plants, contaminants, adulterations, analytical challenges, impact of climate change, sustainability, etc. Consumption of herbal products is increasing globally with growing demand for botanical supplements and complementary medicine. At the same time, the scientific work on all the above-mentioned issues has also gained rapid pace during the last two decades. Purpose of this webinar series is to kindle thoughts and discuss the current updates and scientific knowledge available on above mentioned issues with experts.

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