Jan 2025

There are countless tribes across our country who are in need of intervention. To help the tribal and forest dweller communities, we directly reached out to them to pass on monetary benefits.

This was in hopes to enable them to spend appropriately on their family needs.

We also facilitated the forest communities to inculcate sustainable harvesting and collection practices. This included introducing to them the concept of forest regeneration, modern agro techniques and crop diversification for doubling farmer’s income. We also trained the farmers in organic cultivation for safe crop production to increase the value of their crops and ultimately enhance their income and prevent soil and water contamination. Our volunteers encouraged the local health bodies to create awareness on nutrition and hygiene amongst these communities.

Case studies:

In Rajasthan, the ‘Nat community’ is deemed as socially unacceptable.Our volunteers helped the women of this community to develop skills that could empower them to choose an alternative path of life. These skills included sustainable collection & agriculture practices and post-harvest management.

In Odisha ‘The Santhalis’ community are paid with raw salt for years together. This gives rise to the issues of Nutritional deficiencies & Naxalism. Our volunteers helped the people of this community to develop their post-harvesting skills and empowered them to take up self-employment roles for a better livelihood.

Categories: sustain

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Dear Colleagues & Friends,

It is widely accepted that herbs and botanicals offer immense health benefits. Traditional systems and practices across the globe have played a key role in offering natural solutions for various health conditions. On the other hand, modern medicines - that are based on chemical drugs also have added significant value to healthcare. Herbs, unlike the chemical drugs, have a complex and largely unknown chemical composition that pose scientific challenges to conduct clinical studies, evaluate safety, decipher the mechanisms of actions and to define and control quality of commercial preparations. In addition, multiple other issues pertaining to herbs need scientific understanding and solutions. These include identification of plants, natural variations of chemical composition of medicinal plants, contaminants, adulterations, analytical challenges, impact of climate change, sustainability, etc. Consumption of herbal products is increasing globally with growing demand for botanical supplements and complementary medicine. At the same time, the scientific work on all the above-mentioned issues has also gained rapid pace during the last two decades. Purpose of this webinar series is to kindle thoughts and discuss the current updates and scientific knowledge available on above mentioned issues with experts.

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